Troi Coding Plug-in is copyright 1998-1999 of Troi Automatisering. All rights reserved (27-Feb-99).
Thank you for your interest in Troi Coding Plug-in. This plug-in adds coding and Field Encryption functions to FileMaker Pro 4.0. This cross-platform plug-in enhances Filemaker Pro 4.0. Finally you can do things you thought were still impossible to do with FileMaker. Make your databases more secure by using this plug-in!
-For Macintosh: put the file "Troi Coding Plug-in" from the folder "Macintosh Plug-in" into the
"FileMaker Extensions" folder in the FileMaker Pro 4.0 folder. If you have installed previous
versions of this plug-in, you must remove them.
-For Windows: put the file "troiplug.fmx" from the directory "Windows Plug-in" into the
"SYSTEM" subdirectory in the FileMaker Pro 4.0 directory. If you have installed previous versions
of this plug-in, you must remove them.
You may want to install other plug-ins before proceeding. Then (re)start FileMaker Pro. The Troi
Coding Plug-in will display a dialog box, indicating that it is loading and showing the registration
status. You can now open the file "CodeExpl.fp3" to see how to use the plug-in's functions.
There is also a Function overview in this file.
Current licenced users of our Troi FM Plug-in 1.0 can upgrade for free to the 3 replacing plug-ins:
Troi Dialog Plug-in 1.1, Troi File Plug-in 1.1 and Troi Coding Plug-in 1.1. These 3 new plug-ins will
recognize the payment data of Troi FM Plug-in 1.0.
-For Macintosh: remove the "Troi FM Plug-in" file from the "FileMaker Extensions" folder. Put the
file "Troi Coding Plug-in" from the folder "Macintosh Plug-in" into the "FileMaker Extensions"
folder in the FileMaker Pro 4.0 folder. If you have installed previous versions of the Troi Coding
Plug-in, you must remove them.
-For Windows: remove the "Troi FM Plug-in" file from the "SYSTEM" subdirectory in the
FileMaker Pro 4.0 directory. Put the file "trcoding.fmx" from the directory "Windows Plug-in" into
the "SYSTEM" subdirectory in the FileMaker Pro 4.0 directory . If you have installed previous
versions of this plug-in, you must remove them.
You may want to install other plug-ins before proceeding. Then (re)start FileMaker Pro. The Troi
Coding Plug-in will display a dialog box, indicating that it is loading and showing the registration
- Please make sure you remove "Troi FM Plug-in" file in order to be able to use the new features.
- Also please change your test script for the presence of the plug-in.
Instead of the following test:
If [ Left(External("Troi-Version"; "") ; 15 ) <> "Troi FM Plug-in"]
There is a problem in FileMaker 4.0v1. Please make sure that all plug-ins that are in the folder "FileMaker Extensions" are enabled in the preferences (Under Edit/ Preferences/ Application/ Plug-ins). Make sure all plug-ins have a cross before their name. Remove plug-ins you don't use from the "FileMaker Extensions" folder. Windows users find the plug-ins in the "SYSTEM" subdirectory in the FileMaker Pro 4.0 directory.
This bug is fixed in version 4.0v2 and higher.
What Troi Coding Plug-in can do for you:
Field Encryption
This is a must for anyone who has data that has to be stored in the most secure way possible. Data in Filemaker Pro is stored in a file without encryption. So anyone who has access to a file (and some time to spare) can reconstruct almost all the data entered. Using the plug-in's Encrypt function, it will be almost impossible. The DES encryption is performed as a calculation. After you supply your encryption key, the specified field is encrypted by replacing its value with the calculated encrypted value.
Without the correct key the data won't be decrypted any more, so be sure to remember it!
Troi Coding Plug-in was designed and implemented by Peter Baanen of Troi Automatisering <>. Troi FM Plug-in was designed and tested by Jean Biver of Atelier Informatique <>. Thanks Jean!
You can also visit the Troi web site at: <> for additional information.
Troi may also be reached by postal mail at:
Troi Automatisering
Vuurlaan 18
2408 NB Alphen a/d Rijn
The Netherlands
Fax: +31-172-470539
Where can I get the latest version and more information?
The latest versions of our software are available for downloading at our web site: <>
Here you will also find late breaking information, company information, FileMaker tips and more. Our software will also be posted (with ± a week delay) to info-mac (and its mirrors). Go to: <> or <>.
System Requirements
This software should be able to run on any machine that is able to run FileMaker Pro 4.0. Of course you need a copy of FileMaker Pro, this should be a version 4.0v1 or later. This may be the US version or any other localization.
You can try-before-you-buy. This means that you are free and invited to test the plug-in 30 days before you pay. You may also make copies of the original and complete package (including this Read Me file) and distribute it to customers, friends etc. However, you may not distribute a modified or licenced version.
Use Troi Coding Plug-in at your own risk:
Although Troi Coding Plug-in was tested carefully, we can not be responsible for any damages resulting from using this software. Also please try it out on a test database. Your system may be using an extension (unknown to us) that interferes with the proper functioning of Troi Coding Plug-in.
We like to hear feedback on the benefits and shortcomings of the plug-in. Please include the platform and operating system in your suggestions and comments.
What are the costs?
Troi Dialog plug-in, Troi File plug-in and Troi Coding plug-in can be purchased separate or at a discount in a bundle of 3 plug-ins. This is the pricing:
dialog file coding 3 FM plug-in
plug-in plug-in plug-in bundle
1 Single user license: $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 $ 40
2 or more single user licenses (per user): $ 15 $ 15 $ 15 $ 30
A Site License covers all locations for your organization within a 160 kilometer radius of your site (100 miles). One big advantage of a Site License is that you do not need to keep track of how many people at your site are using the software. A World-Wide License covers all locations for your organization on the planet earth.
All Troi Plug-in are available for Macintosh and Windows. When ordering please indicate for which platform you are ordering.
Special licences for developers of FileMaker Pro solutions are available. Also sub-licencing is possible. Please contact Troi for information about this. At this moment the plug-in does not work with the FileMaker Pro SDK version 3.0. However it will work with the 4.0 Developer edition version (due for June 98).
How to pay?
Paying for a license is easy. There are 4 ways to pay:
1) Pay via Kagi with the enclosed Register program
2) Pay via Kagi Online at <>
3) Pay via Waves in Motion online at <>
4) Pay Troi Automatisering directly (only for users in the Netherlands)
1) Pay Kagi with the enclosed Register program
Kagi is a trustworthy payment service which handles payment for a lot of users and software authors . As of end of Nov 1997 Kagi already processed 338505 payments.
To pay open the Register program that accompanies Troi Coding Plug-in. Enter your name, your email address, and the number of single user licenses you desire for each program you wish to purchase (or Site or World-Wide licenses). Save or Copy or Print the data from the Register program and send the data and payment to Kagi. More specifics on the Register program to follow. Kagi handles my payment processing.
If paying with Credit Card or First Virtual, you can email or fax the data to Kagi. Their email address is and their fax number is +1 510 652-6589. You can either Copy the data from Register and paste into the body of an email message or you can Save the data to a file and you can attach that file to an email message. There is no need to compress the data file, it's already pretty small. If you have a fax modem, just Print the data to the Kagi fax number.
Payments sent via email are processed within 3 to 4 days. You will receive an email acknowledgment when it is processed. Payments sent via fax take up to 10 days and if you provide a correct internet email address you will receive an email acknowledgment.
If you are paying with Cash or USD Check you should print the data using the Register application and send it to the address shown on the form, which is:
1442-A Walnut Street #392-5I
Berkeley, California 94709-1405
You can pay with a wide variety of cash from different countries but at present if you pay via check, it must be a check drawn in US Dollars. Kagi cannot accept checks in other currencies, the conversion rate for non-USD checks is around USD 15 per check and that is just not practical.
If you have a purchasing department, you can enter all the data into the Register program and then select Invoice as your payment method. Print three copies of the form and send it to your accounts payable people. You might want to highlight the line that mentions that they must include a copy of the form with their payment. Kagi can not invoice your company, you need to act on my behalf and generate the invoice and handle all the paperwork on your end.
Please do not fax or email payment forms that indicate Cash, Check or Invoice as the payment method. As far as we know, there is still no technology to transfer physical objects via fax or email and without the payment, the form cannot be processed.
Payments sent via postal mail take time to reach Kagi and then up to 10 days for processing. Again, if you include a correct email address, you will hear from Kagi when the form is processed.
2) Pay via Kagi Online
See under 1) for a description of what Kagi payment service is.
Kagi has a web page where you can pay via Credit Card. Point your web browser at <> Fill in the form and follow the instructions.
3) Pay via Waves in Motion
This Troi plug-in is also distributed by Waves in Motion. Waves in Motion has a web page where you can pay via Credit Card and directly download a full working version after payment. Point your web browser at <>. Fill in the form and follow the instructions.
4) Pay Troi Automatisering directly
(only for users in The Netherlands)
Please use option 1 or 2 (Pay Kagi) if you live outside the Netherlands.
But if you live in The Netherlands you can pay as follows:
Use the following price:
Troi Dialog plug-in, Troi File plug-in and Troi Coding plug-in can be purchased separate or in a bundle of 3 plug-ins.
Troi Dialog plug-in, Troi File plug-in and Troi Coding plug-in can be purchased separate or at a discount in a bundle of 3 plug-ins. This is the pricing:
dialog file coding 3 FM plug-in
plug-in plug-in plug-in bundle
1 Single user license: fl. 40 fl. 40 fl. 40 fl. 80
2 or more single user licenses (per user): fl. 30 fl. 30 fl. 30 fl. 60
Site license: fl.400 fl.400 fl.200 fl. 800
World-wide license: fl.800 fl.800 fl.800 fl.1800
Developer distribution license: fl.340 fl.340 fl.340 fl. 750
Please pay the appropriate amount to:
Bank Name: Postbank NV, Amsterdam
Postgiro Account number: 72.29.209
Troi Automatisering
Vuurlaan 18
2408 NB Alphen a/d Rijn
The Netherlands
To indicate for which software you are paying, add a remark like this:
“Troi Coding Plug-in Macintosh x number of copies” and/or
“Troi Coding Plug-in Windows x number of copies”
Please e-mail your payment details aswell.
Protection and Unlocking the application
Troi Coding Plug-in has a protection scheme. After you pay Troi Automatisering will tell you how to indicate to Troi Coding Plug-in that you have paid the licence fee.
If you do not have an e-mail address, please enter your complete postal address and remember, we do not know what country you live in so please enter that into the postal address also.
After you've supplied the payment data the following is changed:
- the ‘unregistered’ warning is replaced by your name.
- the startup delay (which is longer after 30 days of use) and the OK button will be removed.
If you find a bug, please report this by e-mail: If you have any comments or other functions that you think need to be added, please notify us! We have a lot of ideas for this plug-in, so be sure to check our web site for new versions.
And please pay for software you keep using, so that the wish list gets reality.
1.1.4 (27-Feb-99)
- fixed non-loading of functions in External function overview (Win)
1.1.3 (10-Feb-99)
- added a built-in 'register function' for developers of runtimes.
1.1.1 (17-7-98)
- removed the startup flash screen. Now a flash screen is shown the first time the plug-in functionality is used. This flash screen is removed after payment of the licence fee.
- windows NT: startup splash screen now always shows centered on screen.
- windows 98: register program now prints correctly
1.1 (23-04-98)
- added checksum
- added Text signatures
- added Binary To Num and Num To Binary function
- split into 3 separate plugins: Troi Dialog Plug-in, Troi Coding Plug-in and Troi File Plug-in
1.0 (29-1-98) First release
- fixed a bug on 68k machines which disposed of a pointer improperly.